Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolutions for 2010

How quickly another year passes by. As I reviewed my list of resolutions for 2009, I was not unduly surprised that I didn't achieve all of them. But just having achieved slightly more than half of them was satisfying enough. And some of the ones I did achieve were very meaningful.

One very significant one was the reunion of former classmates from the 1970s. My class reconnection blog was more successful than I had dared imagine, and finally on 23 Dec, we had a wonderful reunion dinner with almost 70 boys in attendance, not to mention 8 teachers. Another extremely meaningful achievement was making significant progress in our genealogical research. I've now discovered more relatives in Sabah than I ever knew my whole life.

For this year, I'm whittling down my list even further and here it is ...

- make more progress in staying healthy, through diet and workouts
- complete dental work (which started in 2009)

- make more progress with Mandarin and another language
- reading focus in 2010: History, Wine, Photography & Photo/Video Editing

- make sales/business development impact on 3 countries
- get professional book manuscript-ready
- update and put "E-Gov in Asia" online (carried over from 2009)
- (re)launch professional blogsite

- get the three Family Tree drafts to shareable form (by mid 2010)
- take two family holidays (possibly one of my life journeys)
- get father's book published

- improve financial position

Social & Spiritual
- more involvement in meaningful charity work
- explore more community networks

Wish me luck, and stay tuned for mid and end year reviews ...


PengYou said...

I wish you full "luck speed"

James Yong said...

Thanks. I'll probably need it.